What is the HDVSAS?

The Hunter Domestic Violence Support & Advisory Service assists women and children who have been or are experiencing domestic violence. We support all women and children who utilise our service in a non-judgmental manner.

We run support and educational groups to empower women to regain control over their lives.

We also maintain a follow-up procedure to ensure women in need of ongoing support are able to receive the required assistance.

Our support workers and volunteers maintain complete confidentiality at all times.

We understand how hard it is for those in domestic violence situations to ask for assistance, please rest assured we are here to offer “support, empowerment and strength”.

Aims & Objectives

  • Assist Men, Women and Children in Domestic Violence

  • Support all Men, Women and Children in a non-judgemental manner

  • Run education & empowerment groups for Men and Women who are or have been victims of domestic violence.

  • Ensure the safety of all clients utilising the centre to the best of our ability.

  • Operate mobile outreach for clients in rural areas so they have the same opportunities as clients in urban areas.

  • Work in partnership with other organisations.

  • Assist Men, Women and Children who are victims of domestic violence navigate the judicial system by working with law enforcement and legal practitioners.

  • Assist the children of clients who have to appear in court due to domestic violence (i.e. Run a program where the service can look after the children whilst the client is in court, this in turn frees the client to concentrate on court procedure and offers the court a more uninterrupted environment).

  • Maintain a follow up procedure to determine whether clients may need ongoing support.

  • Ensure all workers and volunteers maintain complete confidentiality at all times.

Our mission is to help women and children whose lives have been adversely affected by domestic violence. We educate, support and advocate, ensuring that all our clients have access to the services, resources and opportunities available to them.

Paula Mudd • Director

Mission Statement

Our mission is to help men, women and children whose lives have been adversely affected by domestic violence.

We will educate, support and advocate, ensuring that all our clients have access to the services, resources and opportunities available to them

We will promote our service and interact with other community organisations, in order to obtain the best result for our clients.

We will lobby for changes in legislation and policy so as to improve social conditions and a more equitable justice system.


View a variety of support services available to women and children.


Shop a range of great value, pre-loved clothes by visiting our Op Shop in Branxton.


We are a Non-Goverment Organisation and gratefully accept donations.


Contact one of our volunteer HDVSAS co-ordinators.

HDVSAS Overview

Community consultation resulted in the need for a domestic violence support and advisory service, particular in the Cessnock Coalfields and Lower Hunter areas. The Hunter Domestic Violence Support & Advisory Services Inc. was established with the view to obtain funding, grants and donations, so the needs of the area can be met.

A letter of request for Governmental Grants, assistance and donations will be sent to most politicians, business house, clubs, service clubs and other interested parties.

The association, through research has identified an urgent need in the Cessock Coalfields area, for preventative action to be taken in the area of domestic violence. HDVSAS will support and assist persons who are experiencing trauma in their lives as a result of domestic violence. HDVSAS will provide a non-judgemental holistic environment in consumer friendly and safe premises.

Our mission is to help men, women & children through their trauma in a caring, beneficial and constructive manner. To do this will run self help groups, such as education (domestic violence is not acceptable), self esteem programs and Phoenix groups, (the agencies goal is to assist the consumer to become strong and independent, which means the agency does not take over the situation, but assist the consumer in helping themselves), we will advocate in all areas by working in partnership with other agencies and assist in the navigation of the judicial structure. In doing this the consumer should be able to live in a violence free and safe environment, which hopefully will empower them to attain their full potential in life.


Hunter Domestic Violence Support and Services is run on the generosity of donations we receive from the community, groups and local businesses. We do not receive funding from the government for our services.